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Write for us

Is film or cinema a passion of yours ? Do you consider yourself a movie buff ? Then you may be a fit for the Cinema POW writing team.

Here are the requirements to join the Cinema POW writing team:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Must possess a skill in writing and a knowledge of video games
  • Must commit to 1 article per week at minimum
  • Must pledge to post content based on movies knowledge. We want in-depth reviews, previews and analysis. Give to moviegoers who visit this site a unique look at a movie or unique perspective.
  • Must possess a strong writing ability, attention to detail and demonstrate the ability to consistently produce thought provoking content supported by statistical information.

Cinema POW encourages our writers to utilize quality websites and informational resources for reference.

How To Apply

To formally apply to Cinema POW, please email us the following information
[email protected]

  • Sample of Writing (500+ words): this can be work you have done in the past. If you do not have a any past work please write a 500+ word piece and send that to us (this can be in Word Doc form, email, etc).The writing piece must demonstrate the ability to tie in references to support information. Our website is looking for content based on informational resources, we want to see an example of your ability to compose articles in that manner.
  • First & Last Name
  • Must agree to produce 1-article (minimum) per week
  • What kind of articles you are interested in writing about
  • Link to your Twitter account